Introducing Maintenance Schedules
Drone manufacturers are typically required to include maintenance instructions in their drone manuals. However, there is no guarantee that the end user will read and follow the guidelines, which can lead to sub-optimal fleet maintenance and therefore can potentially increase the risk of operational disruptions.
From a user’s perspective, the workflow for tracking aircrafts maintenance is too manual. They usually keep maintenance logbooks in dedicated software or on paper, making it difficult to automatically keep track of the flight time of a drone since its last maintenance intervention.
The latest updates to Auterion Suite are focused on improving the simplicity of maintenance workflows by introducing the Maintenance Schedules feature, which enables users to:
- Automatically receive maintenance schedules upon registering your drones, based on the recommendation from the manufacturer
- See the maintenance tasks due time for each vehicle and sort your vehicles based on that value
- Receive notifications and reminders of the maintenance actions you need to take
- See detailed maintenance task descriptions
- Assign maintenance tasks to users of your Suite account
Introducing Pilot Profiles
In order to enable pilots to manage and provide compliance information, Auterion Suite now allows users to edit their profiles, ensuring that the information can be seamlessly integrated across the stack, from the cloud down to Auterion Mission Control on the ground station.
Operators can upload documentation to their Pilot profile in Suite, such as:
- Operator ID
- Remote Pilot Certificates
- Insurance documents
- Pilot Training Certificates
When operators log into AMC they will find the same information immediately accessible:
Watch this video to learn about the recently introduced features:
What else is new in Auterion Suite?
Asset Management
With Asset Management, you can manage all your registered assets within your company, whether they were automatically created from an uploaded flight log (like smart batteries) or manually added to the list.
Vehicles’ SIM cards are also managed as assets in Suite. You can automatically keep track of their data usage, and check if you are getting close to the monthly data allowance.
Mission Cloud Sync
Mission Cloud Sync synchronizes your mission planning and data, ensuring easy access across all your devices using Auterion Suite and Auterion Mission Control.
Read more about Mission Cloud Sync in our previous post.
Want to learn more?
Get in touch with us to book a demo and learn more about our new updates.